Svali : 「まったくそんなことはない(訳注:Svaliにはbig pictureは見えていなかった。下記参考も参照)。実際、
イルミナティは極端な人種差別主義者で、一人の子供として、私は「強制収容所」を演じることを強制された。バージニア州の私の農場でも、そしてまたヨーロッパ、ドイツの隔離されたキャンプでも。」 (訳注:でもイルミナティは
ヒトラーも含めて「ユダヤ人」だらけだったりして。イルミナティ銀行家宮廷「ユダヤ人」+α 対 「
(訳 注:本来の古来の)ユダヤ人は歴史的にオカルトに対して戦った。旧約聖書の申命記を参照してください。どのように神が、ユダヤ人を通じて、バール、アシュ タルテ、そしてその他のカナンとバビロンの神々を崇拝するものたちのような、そこで活動しているオカルトグループの土地を浄化しようと努めたかをみるため に。
(Henry Makowへのe-メールから)はい、このグループ内にはいくらかの非常に強力なユダヤの人々がいます。
私はまた、その両親がグループ内でのユダヤ人ダイヤモンド商人である人々を知っている、そしてすべてのレベルでも。 (訳注:ややわかりにくい文です)

そ して、ヒトラー、ヒムラー、ゲーベル、そしてその他はグループの高位のドイツメンバーである(ヒムラーは他の二人より高位だった)、そして彼らの有給の操 り人形メンゲレも同様であると私は言われた。メンゲレは後に南アメリカに潜伏していた期間のあいだに、アメリカ支部の高位のトレーナーとして働いた。
私はいつもこのことを不思議に思った、やっぱり、なぜグループ内の最高ランクの金融一族の何人か(フランスのロスチャイルド男爵は、欧州のグループを運営している13欧州貴族、あるいは「キング」の一人で、また世界評議会の座にすわっている)はユダヤ人であり、なおかつそのグループは彼ら自身の民族への憎しみを支持するのか。 」
Svali : 「
多くのイルミニストは、内部で第四帝国計画を持っている。 イルミナティは人種差別主義者で、非常に「アーリアン」の外見を持っている。彼らは、彼らの定義での「純粋」と「知的」の支配を強く信じている。そして彼らの儀式において、時々儀式で殺される少数民族がいるだろう。
Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy October 14, 2002 by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Illuminati Reveal Crazy Apocalyptic Agenda より
The world may soon resemble Jonestown if a sick Illuminati plan to "harvest" souls in 2012 comes to pass.

For a week in October, a person claiming to be a "generational member of a Ruling Bloodline family" answered questions on
abovetopsecret forum.
Using the moniker "Hidden Hand," he gave a convincing explanation of the demented Cabalistic beliefs motivating the Illuminati. He described how they find this world consciousness ("Third Density") to be "very constricting and uncomfortable" and want to be united again with Lucifer ("the One," the "Creator.")
This will require them to stage an apocalyptic human sacrifice ("harvest of souls") in 2012.
The background according to "Hidden Hand" is this: Yahweh had been running a "benign dictatorship" in the Garden of Eden. He made a pact with the Luciferians (Illuminati) to introduce evil into the world, so man will have Free Will to choose between right and wrong, and thus evolve spiritually. Yahweh didn't expect man would choose evil.
As result, the Illuminati rule the world but now find it a tedious place. They intend to create the intense evil (selfishness, "negative polarity") required for them to rendezvous with their spaceship, as it were.
Remember, this is an insane satanic cult which just happens to control the planet.
At the "Harvest" evolved souls will enter the "Fourth Density" with the Illuminati and enjoy a "Golden Age," while everyone else's soul will be transported to a "replica earth" where they will continue to "work on themselves." The scenario is reminiscent of the
"Left Behind" series where Christians suddenly disappear into heaven, and non-believers are left behind to face the Tribulation. I don't think this is a coincidence.
"Hidden Hand" claims to belong to one of 13 Bloodlines that have ruled the world from the dawn of time. They are "Houses" performing functions like organs in a body, which is the "Family" united in the common cause. They all have an area of specialty: Military, Government, Spiritual, Scholarship, Leadership, and Sciences. They hold key positions in all of these main areas. With the addition of a complicit Media machine and ownership of Financial establishments, all bases are covered.
Writing in Oct, he said a certain faction wanted to call off the US election. "If nothing happens to Obama, he will win. Remember, behind the scenes, there is only One Party. Our Party. 'Democracy' is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Whichever side 'wins'; the Family wins. There are many possibilities and alternative 'scripts'. All of them lead toward the ultimate implementation of the overall blueprint of our Creator" [i.e. Lucifer.]
He says he is only a "regional" leader (as opposed to national or international) but his information is that, barring "unforeseen disruptions" there will be "a new currency by the end of 2008 / early 2009, along with a new Union of nations. January has been spoken of in some circles, as the latest, though there are plans underway which could even bring this to fruition much earlier than initially hoped for. It depends upon the results of other upcoming events as to how this will play out."
Asked if "911" was the creation of a "star gate," he replied, "No, it was a Ritual Human Sacrifice. That, and the obvious catalyst for the so-called 'War on Terror'."
He confirms that "Svali" was "a part of the Family, at the lower levels, from the German Lines I believe. As I understand, she did reveal a lot of truth about the lower levels, but she was only Regional Level in the Earth Lines, so not that high. She certainly would not have had anything like the "bigger picture."
He says the Rothschilds etc. belong to "earth-based" bloodlines. "The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture. They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to 'rule the world', to Control and Enslave, and create as much Suffering and Negativity as is humanly possible. That's what they 'get out of the deal'. World Domination. You'd have to say with that in mind, they're doing a great job.
But one of the things they don't know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst. If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest. They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd Density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims".
"Starting at the bottom level, you have what we call "Local Cell Groups" or "Family Clusters". There will be anything from say five to thirty or so of these, depending upon the size of the town or city in question. Each Local area has it's own Council, comprised of Local Leaders representing the Six Disciplines of learning. There is also either a High Priest or High Priestess of The Order, who Serves their local community."
"Above this, you have the Regional Council, with the Leader of each Local Council representing their specific areas. Then the National Council, in the same vein, with the Leaders of the Regional Councils sitting to represent their Regions."

"Then you have the Supreme World Council above them all, with the National Leaders representing their Countries.
Above this, is another group I cannot mention, who liaise with the "Hidden Hands."
"Then above this, there are many other levels of Leadership, purely from the Power Lines (the ones that are not of this planet.) The Supreme World Council, only know as much as is "Handed" down to them from us."
"In our Power Lines, we have a similar structure, with Local and Regional groups etc, though most of us are living in entirely 'different' types of communities than you would understand. All I shall say is that we are not "surface dwellers."
In his own terms, "Hidden Hand" is credible but I regard him as insane, pretending to purity and talking about "service to others" while wreaking incalculable misery and mayhem on humanity.
He offers invaluable insight into the hypocritical Illuminati mindset, always dressing their evil in pretensions of public service. For example, Communism is Satanism posing as working class rebellion.
To inflict so much suffering and depravity under the pretext of "testing" mankind and furthering evolution is preposterous. Aren't there enough tests in life without the Illuminati's hidden hand on the scale? If instead the Illuminati had exercised a positive influence, spiritual evolution would have taken place at an amazing pace.
Retarding human evolution, not advancing it, is their real agenda. They want us to be their cattle.
I believe the harbor is best reached by setting your course and avoiding the rocks. In contrast, the Illuminati steer the vessel onto the rocks, as many times as it takes to sink it.
This sick Cabalistic dogma is behind the blank gaze of our politicians and newscasters.
It's time to admit that humanity is under constant stealth attack by a sadistic and dangerous Satanic cult. Obviously, it is well organized and funded and has subverted every institution.
It's time we set aside occultism and used common sense. It's time we adopted simple morality, as in "Do Unto Others as You Would have Them do Unto You."
Unless we wrest control of this planet from the Illuminati, we are doomed, like Rev. Jones' followers at Jonestown.
And we will deserve our fate. Hidden Hand is right. "You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice." Let's be "Service Oriented" and reject the Illuminati -- their phony terror, fascist government and Satanic religion. Let's throw their kool-aid in their face.
Note: Two years ago (Jan. 2007) Illuminati defector
Leo Zagami issued this warning(リンク先に訳があります):
"The cosmic alignment on the 21st of December 2012 gives you 6 years to prepare... So its about time you all wake up and fight for your right to stay free under one God before they take complete control and start persecuting the true believers in the one God. ...Get your swords and get ready to fight to defend your faith or perish...This is a war against Satan so please wake up in the western countries or you might wake up in a nightmare one morning in December 2012."
"From 2010 you will start feeling the big changes in the air more and more but in 2012 you will have the clear evidence of the end of this civilization in front of your eyes....the total NAZIFICATION of the western countries by 2010 before the economic situation starts to badly crack for everyone. Then social tension will hit a peak never seen before and internal conflicts could eventually become in 2012: CIVIL WAR!"
The Illuminati in America
『グローバル2000』 は、経済と疫病という二正面作戦だ。 by ジョン・コールマン



製造業への派遣労働解禁が誤りだったことを認めよ! 森永 卓郎 2009年1月9日
冷戦 by Svali
冷戦 [Cold War]


Svali : 「
ロシアが実際にわれわれの脅威だったことは決してない。マルクス主義は、イルミナティによって資金を提供されていたし、資本主義への拮抗勢力として支持されていた。イルミナティは対抗勢力間で引き合うなかでの拮抗力をバランスさせることに強い信念を持っている。彼らは歴史を、複雑なチェスゲームとしてみており、彼らは一方を財政支援し、そしてもう一方を支援する。そして、最終的には混乱と分裂のなかから・・・彼らは笑っている。なぜなら彼らは究極的には政党を超えているからである。 ある最高位の金融家はひそかに東側のあるいはロシアの「敵対者」とそれらの期間中に会談するだろう。そしていかに「羊」たちが思い違いをしているかについて大笑いする。私はここで私が教えられまた私が観察したことについて人々と共有しようとしている。
Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy October 14, 2002 by Henry Makow Ph.D.
新たな「冷戦」構築により、世界の全体主義化をすすめようという、彼らの意図がみえてきませんか? そして操作された第三次世界大戦で人口削減... 世界中を「テロ」を使って無政府状態の混沌へ...